Symbiotic microbes that live inside turf and help it endure more stess.

Naturally makes grass more tolerant of heat, drought and salt stress.

Turf will stay greener longer when drought stressed.

Increases stand density, turf grows thicker and fuller.
Up to 67% higher tolerance to heat stress when treated with Protect+.

Fairways and tees maintain a healthier green hue.

How does it work?
Our microbes live symbiotically with turf to help it endure some tough growing conditions. This plant-microbe association is known as beneficial symbiosis and is advantageous to both species. When our microbes are sprayed onto turf they find their way into the leaves and roots. They live within the plant and are motivated to help the plant (its home) to survive.
When stress hits untreated turf grasses their metabolism goes into overdrive. The presence of our microbes help the metabolism work more efficiently so turf plants can focus on the business of growing, instead of stressing. And who doesn’t want more of that?